Puzzle Zone

Flex your math muscles with these fun brainteasers!

ANSWERS: Cole’s Coats: Yes, Cole is correct: (6 × $60) + (5 × $50) + (10 × $40) = $1,010; Icy Rounding: The path is 32, 14, 93, 71, 11, 64, 52; GATHERING FIREWOOD: FIONA cOULD CHOOSE LOGS B, C, E, F, AND G; PLENTY OF PRESENTS: All answers with correct calculations that total to the same sum in each row are valid.


The answer to an addition problem. It is the total amount when you add together two or more numbers or quantities.

Example: In the addition expression 2 + 3 = 5, 5 is the sum.

Skills Sheets (1)
Lesson Plan (1)