CCSS: 3.MD.A.1, MP2, MP5, MP6

TEKS: 3.7C, 4.8C


Lesson: Home-Learning Successes!

Objective: Students will use number lines to calculate the elapsed time between events on an e-learning class schedule.

Lesson Plan

    Spark Engagement.

Play or share the video “Voices From Quarantine.” Then, before or after reading the article, spark a discussion based on the following questions:

  • How is virtual learning different from in-person learning?
  • Why are schedules important? Explain.
  • Make a list of activities you enjoy. Record how much time you spend doing each activity.

    Introduce the math concept and vocabulary.

  • Look at an analog clock or watch and describe its features. Which features help you tell the time? (Possible answers: the numbers, the minute and hour hands)
  • What is the current time? How do you know? (Answers will vary.)
  • What time will it be 5 minutes later? What time will it be an hour later? (Answers will vary.)
  • How might you determine how much time has passed between the start and the end of one activity? (Possible answers: use a stopwatch; count the hours/minutes between each time; find the difference in time)
  • A number line is a tool we can use to find the amount of time that passes, known as elapsed time.

    Work through the "What to Do" box.

  • What time does the clock read? (11:50 a.m.) How do you know? (Answers will vary.)
  • What are some ways you can express this time in words? (10 minutes till noon/12, 50 minutes after 11, 10 to 12)
  • Why did the first increment in the number line move 10 minutes? (10 minutes gets you to the next hour, 12:00)
  • How would calculating elapsed time help you before or after school? (Answers will vary.)

    Reinforce with math practice.

Have students complete problems 1 through 4 on page 5 of the article.

Differentiate & Extend

Skills Sheets: Level Down: Telling Time (3.MD.A.1, 2.MD.C.7) | On Level: DynaDash: Finding Elapsed Time (3.MD.A.1) | Level Up: Understanding Time Zones (3.MD.A.1)

Game: Time for Pets

SEL (Social-emotional learning activity/prompt): Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning from home. Then have students write about a time they overcame an obstacle or adversity.

DynaMath@Home: Have students list at least 5 defined activity blocks in their day (e.g., outdoor play—25 minutes). Then have them choose a start time and determine at what time each activity starts and ends.

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