CCSS: 3.OA.A.2, 3.OA.A.3

TEKS: 3.4J, 3.4K, 3.5B

Giants of Generosity

Meet inspiring people who give back during the holiday season and beyond

Holiday Hearts

Alvin Jornada/The Press Democrat

The Miller family 

“My girls love that we are the Christmas lights family,” says Nathan Miller of his two daughters. For the past four years, he has covered their home in Santa Rosa, California, with holiday lights. He has even programmed the lights to flash in sync with holiday music from a local radio station.

Neighbors and visitors were impressed. They began leaving money in the family’s mailbox. The Millers donate the funds to Hearts for Happiness. The organization promotes random acts of kindness in the area.

"We are the Christmas lights family," says Nathan Miller. "My two daughters love it." Miller covers their home in Santa Rosa, California, with holiday lights. He has done it for the past four years. He even programmed the lights to flash in sync with holiday music. It plays from a local radio station.

Neighbors and visitors were impressed. They began leaving money in the family's mailbox. The Millers donate the funds. The money goes to Hearts for Happiness. The organization promotes random acts of kindness in the area.

Supportive School

Courtesy SFriday/Community Contributor

Sieden Prairie Elementary

Every student at Sieden Prairie Elementary loves to give. The entire school in Chicago, Illinois—290 students and staff—routinely helps people and organizations in need. During the holidays, they collect food and distribute it to six local food pantries. They also collect toys for less fortunate families.

Their supportive spirit goes beyond the holiday season. The entire school wore red plastic noses for Red Nose Day last spring. For each red nose purchased, money goes to charities that fight childhood poverty.

Every student at Sieden Prairie Elementary loves to give. The entire school in Chicago, Illinois has 290 students and staff. They routinely help people and organizations in need. During the holidays, they collect food. They distribute it to six local food pantries. They also collect toys for less fortunate families.

Their supportive spirit goes beyond the holiday season. The entire school wore red plastic noses. This was for Red Nose Day last spring. People purchase red noses. Some money from the purchase goes to charities that fight childhood poverty.

Mowing That Matters 

Courtesy Raising Men Lawn Care Services

Rodney Smith Jr. helps a young volunteer in his lawn-care foundation.

When Rodney Smith Jr. saw an old man struggling to mow his lawn, he stopped to help. The act of kindness inspired Smith to find a way to help others in his community of Huntsville, Alabama, and beyond. He started Raising Men Lawn Care Service. The foundation provides free lawn care for those who would struggle to do it themselves, such as elderly or disabled people. Over the past two years, Smith has recruited 150 girls and boys across the country. “I want kids to know that they can make a difference, one lawn at a time,” says Smith.

Rodney Smith Jr. saw an old man struggling to mow his lawn. So he stopped to help. The act of kindness inspired Smith. He wanted to help others in his community of Huntsville, Alabama. He also wanted to help others nearby. So he started Raising Men Lawn Care Service. The foundation provides free lawn care for those who would struggle to do it themselves. They include the elderly or disabled people. Over the past two years, Smith has recruited 150 girls and boys across the country. "I want kids to know that they can make a difference, one lawn at a time," says Smith.

Hero for the Homeless

Courtesy Drum Family

Ewan Baker Drum

Ewan Baker Drum, 10, is a real-life superhero. He helps people who are homeless in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan—while wearing a cape! As his alter ego “Super Ewan,” he holds charity drives with his family where they collect food, clothing, and household items. Then they donate these things to people who need them at local homeless shelters, community centers, and parks.

Ewan began his work when he was 7. He was recently rewarded for his efforts. In May 2017, Super Ewan received a Prudential Spirit of Community Award in Washington, D.C. “I look at everyone who doesn’t have food or a place to live, and I just really want to help them,” he says.

Ewan Baker Drum, 10, is a real-life superhero. He helps people who are homeless. He does this in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan. And he wears a cape! Drum has an alter ego. He is known as "Super Ewan." He holds charity drives with his family. There, they collect food, clothing, and household items. Then they donate these things to people who need them. The items go to local homeless shelters, community centers, and parks.

Ewan began his work when he was 7. He was recently rewarded for his efforts. In May 2017, Super Ewan received a Prudential Spirit of Community Award in Washington, D.C. "I look at everyone who doesn't have food or a place to live. I just really want to help them," he says.      

Miller has spent 468 hours programming the light display to twinkle to the music of 13 songs. Say he spent the same amount of time on each song. Label the following division equation with the correct vocabulary. How much time does it take to program 1 song?

Miller has spent 468 hours programming the light display to twinkle to the music of 13 songs. Say he spent the same amount of time on each song. Label the following division equation with the correct vocabulary. How much time does it take to program 1 song?

Red noses come in boxes of 60. Let’s say 5 classes at Sieden Prairie divided up the noses in one box equally. How many red noses would each class get to share? 

Red noses come in boxes of 60. Let’s say 5 classes at Sieden Prairie divided up the noses in one box equally. How many red noses would each class get to share? 

For every 10 lawns mowed, Smith rewards his volunteers with a new T-shirt. A volunteer named Jasmine mowed 40 lawns. How many T-shirts did she earn? 

For every 10 lawns mowed, Smith rewards his volunteers with a new T-shirt. A volunteer named Jasmine mowed 40 lawns. How many T-shirts did she earn? 

At one event, Super Ewan grilled hot dogs for 100 homeless people. Let’s say there were 10 tables at the event. How many people were able to sit at each table? Explain using division.

At one event, Super Ewan grilled hot dogs for 100 homeless people. Let’s say there were 10 tables at the event. How many people were able to sit at each table? Explain using division.


Breaking up a whole into equal-sized groups

Example: 30 ÷ 5 = 6 


A usual way of doing things


A number sentence that includes an equal sign. The values represented on both sides of the equal sign are the same

Example: 5 + 4 = 9


An organization that gives to worthwhile causes


arranged to happen at the same time


Having gotten a person to join something

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