TEKS: 4.2B, 5.2A

A Slimy Discovery


A substance produced by this frog species might soon be put into vaccines that fight one type of flu.

Hate getting a flu shot? Maybe someday you can get slimed instead! Scientists at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, recently found that a substance in the skin mucus of a species of frog can prevent the flu. The frog lives in southern India.

The substance kills a flu virus by attaching to a protein inside it, says Joshy Jacob, who led the study. Proteins are major building blocks of all living things.

There are multiple types of flu viruses. The substance in this frog’s slime works against just one strain. Jacob and his team are now looking for substances that can kill different strains for more complete protection.

expanded form

A way of writing a number as the sum of each digit’s place value

Example: 13,452 = 10,000 + 3,000 + 400 + 50 + 2 


Very tiny organisms that can cause diseases such as measles and the common cold. Viruses are smaller than bacteria. They reproduce and grow only when inside living cells. 

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