1. Your teacher will show you how to make two different paper airplanes. Follow these instructions to make the first airplane out of one sheet of paper. This is airplane A.
2. Follow the instructions for making the second airplane out of the second sheet of paper. This is airplane B.
3. Take the following items to an open space like a hallway or gymnasium: two paper planes, a chair, the tape measure, and masking tape. Spread out to avoid crashes.
4. Estimate the distances you think plane A and plane B will travel. Choose which group members will throw each airplane and which member(s) will mark the landing spots.
5. Have airplane A’s thrower carefully stand on the chair. Throw the plane three times. After each flight, the measurer marks the landing spot with the tape. After the last flight is marked, work together to measure and record the distances to each landing spot. Measure from the same place on the chair. Record measurements in inches.
6. Repeat step 5 with airplane B.