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Bye-Bye, Bao Bao!

A panda that grew up in the U.S. heads to a new home in China

Drew Angerer/The New York Times/Redux

Bao Bao spent her first three-and-a-half years at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.


For the past three-and-a-half years, a giant panda cub named Bao Bao (bow-bow) has wowed visitors to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., as well as fans worldwide who watched the bear on the zoo’s online panda cams. But on February 21 the panda’s followers had to say goodbye. Bao Bao boarded a cargo plane bound for China—pandas’ native home. 

Bao Bao was born at the National Zoo on August 23, 2013. Her parents, Mei Xiang (may-shong) and Tian Tian (t-yen t-yen), are on loan to the zoo as part of a breeding agreement between the U.S. and China. The zoo gives $500,000 a year to support panda conservation efforts in China. In exchange, it gets to exhibit Mei Xiang and Tian Tian to more than 2 million visitors and nearly 3 million web viewers each year. As part of the agreement, all panda cubs born in the U.S. must be sent to China for breeding by the time they turn 4 years old.

For the past three-and-a-half years, a giant panda cub named Bao Bao (bow-bow) has wowed visitors to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.. Many have also watched her worldwide on the zoo's online panda cams. But on February 21 the panda's followers had to say goodbye. Bao Bao boarded a cargo plane bound for China. That is pandas' native home.

Bao Bao was born at the National Zoo on August 23, 2013. Her parents are Mei Xiang (may-shong) and Tian Tian (t-yen t-yen). They are on loan to the zoo. It's part of a breeding agreement between the U.S. and China. The zoo gives $500,000 a year to support panda conservation efforts in China. In exchange, it gets to exhibit Mei Xiang and Tian Tian. More than 2 million visitors and nearly 3 million web viewers see the pandas each year. As part of the agreement, all panda cubs born in the U.S. must be sent to China for breeding by the time they turn 4 years old.

Hope for Pandas

Courtesy of the Smithsonian's National Zoo

Zoo veterinarians give baby Bao Bao a checkup in 2013.

Although they are technically carnivores, pandas eat mostly plants, and specifically one plant—bamboo. It makes up 90 percent of their diet. Because of this, pandas have been particularly vulnerable to habitat loss. For decades, people cut down bamboo forests to clear land for farming, roads, and logging. That’s what caused pandas’ steep population decline. They became one of the world’s most endangered mammals. Roughly 30 years ago, scientists estimated that only 1,114 pandas survived in the wild.

Thanks to the protection of panda habitat in China, panda numbers are going up. The Chinese government has established nearly 70 nature preserves. A recent survey counted roughly 1,800 pandas in the wild. Zoos are home to around 375 additional pandas, some of which are involved in the breeding program. 

Pandas are technically  carnivores. However they mostly one plant called bamboo. It makes up90 percent of their diet. For decades, people cut down bamboo forests to clear land for farming, roads, and  logging . The population of pandas decreased a lot. They became one of the world's most endangered mammals. Roughly 30 years ago, scientists estimated that only 1,114 pandas survived in the wild.

Panda numbers are going up now. That's because of the protection of panda habitat in China. The Chinese government has established nearly 70 nature preserves. A recent  survey counted roughly 1,800 pandas in the wild. Zoos are home to around 375 additional pandas. Some of these animals are involved in the breeding program.

Trip Training

Brooks Kraft LLC/Getty Images

Bao Bao flew back to China in a travel carrier like this one, which was used to transport her brother Tai Shan (shown here) in 2010.

Keepers prepared Bao Bao for her journey by letting her get used to the crate they used to transport her. It’s the same type of large carrier that was used to move her older brother, Tai Shan (ty-shon), when he was relocated to China in 2010.

A panda keeper and a veterinarian accompanied Bao Bao on the 14-hour plane ride. They packed plenty of drinks and snacks, including 25 kilograms (55 pounds) of bamboo and 38 liters (10 gallons) of water.

Keepers prepared Bao Bao for her journey. They let her get used to the crate they used to transport her. It's the same type of large carrier that was used to move her older brother, Tai Shan (ty-shon). He relocated to China in 2010.

A panda keeper and a veterinarian joined  Bao Bao on the 14-hour plane ride. They packed plenty of drinks and snacks. Some items included 25 kilograms (55 pounds) of bamboo and 38 liters (10 gallons) of water.

Wanted: Cuddly Cubs

Gary Cameron/Reuters

Bao Bao doing a somersault in the snow

When Bao Bao arrived in China, she was taken to one of the centers run by the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. She will eventually enter the center’s breeding program. If all goes well, Bao Bao will be raising cubs of her own by her sixth birthday.

“She’s learned all the skills you can teach,” says Laurie Thompson, one of Bao Bao’s former caretakers at the National Zoo. “Now it’s time for her to go and do what she’s meant to do—and that’s make more pandas.”

When Bao Bao arrived in China, she was taken to one of the centers run by the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. She will eventually enter the center's breeding program. If all goes well, Bao Bao will be raising cubs of her own by her sixth birthday.

 "She's learned all the skills you can teach," says Laurie Thompson. She is one of Bao Bao's former caretakers at the National Zoo. "Now it's time for her to go and do what she's meant to do. That means make more pandas."

Three giant pandas live at the National Zoo right now. One is Bao Bao’s little brother Bei Bei (bay-bay). He’s a cub. What fraction of pandas are not cubs? Plot your answer on a number line on a separate sheet of paper.

Three giant pandas live at the National Zoo right now. One is Bao Bao’s little brother Bei Bei (bay-bay). He’s a cub. What fraction of pandas are not cubs? Plot your answer on a number line on a separate sheet of paper.

3/5 of Bao Bao’s viewers have seen her in person. (The rest have watched her on the zoo’s panda cams.) Choose the model that shows 5/4.

3/5 of Bao Bao’s viewers have seen her in person. (The rest have watched her on the zoo’s panda cams.) Choose the model that shows 5/4.

For Bao Bao’s journey, zookeepers packed 2 sweet potatoes, each weighing 3/8 pound. What was the total weight of both sweet potatoes?

For Bao Bao’s journey, zookeepers packed 2 sweet potatoes, each weighing 3/8 pound. What was the total weight of both sweet potatoes?

If 1/10 of all the 2,175 pandas in the world live in one protected area in China, how many pandas does that area contain? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

If 1/10 of all the 2,175 pandas in the world live in one protected area in China, how many pandas does that area contain? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

375 pandas currently live in captivity. Suppose the captive panda population increases by 1/3 over the next 10 years. How many captive pandas would there be in 2027? 

375 pandas currently live in captivity. Suppose the captive panda population increases by 1/3 over the next 10 years. How many captive pandas would there be in 2027? 

If 2/5 of 70 nature preserves for wild pandas were created in the past decade, about how many were created before then?

If 2/5 of 70 nature preserves for wild pandas were created in the past decade, about how many were created before then?


Animals that eat meat


Went somewhere with someone 


To replace a number with an approximately equal but simpler number. Numbers can be rounded up (if the digit to the right of the place value you're rounding to is 5 or greater) or rounded down.


Example: 25 rounded to the nearest ten is 30


The process of cutting down trees and transporting the wood 


A careful and thorough study of the land or water in a geographic region


The state of being held or confined, such as having wild animals live in zoos


A number that stands for part of a whole quantity. Fractions are made up of two numbers – a numerator and a denominator – divided by a horizontal line


Example: If one apple is cut into four equal slices, and you eat one slice, you have eaten 1/4 of the apple

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