CCSS: 3.OA.A.2, 3.OA.A.3, 3.OA.A.4

TEKS: 3.4J, 3.4K, 3.5B

Toilets for Oysters!

NYC Department of Environmental Protection

New York City workers released 50,000 oysters onto the new porcelain oyster bed.

Crushed porcelain toilets were thrown into New York Habor to help boost oyster populations.

New York Harbor was once packed with oysters. But by the early 1900s, pollution and overfishing nearly wiped out the shellfish. Now scientists have a strange plan to help them: an oyster bed made out of old toilets. 

New York City officials crushed 5,000 porcelain toilets from public schools. Then the pieces were thrown into the harbor. This created a bed on the seafloor. Oysters need hard surfaces to attach to so they can grow. Previously, oysters would attach themselves to the shells of other oysters. But when their numbers dropped, this was no longer an option.

Scientists think the crushed-toilet bed will help oysters increase in number by giving them a place to live and breed.  


Catching too many fish in an area of water


The total when you multiply two or more numbers together


Example: What is the product of 8 and 2? 8 x 2 = 16

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